Professional Dot Physical Exams for Oxnard, CA
Also serving Ventura, Santa Paula, Fillmore, Camarillo and beyond
At DotDoc, we understand your time is valuable. Our exams are priced at $110, with most completed in under 30 minutes. Say goodbye to long waits and delays—experience efficient service that respects your schedule. We’re dedicated to providing a quick, hassle-free exam process for your convenience.
**if you are required to have a CDL as part of your job, your employer shall pay the cost of your examination unless it was taken before you applied for the job, labor code 231.
Disclosure Requirements
To maintain your Class A, B, or C commercial driver’s license, you need a DOT physical every two years. As of May 21, 2014, only FMCSA-certified medical professionals can conduct these exams. To ensure a smooth process, please remember to:

Speed Up Your Exam
To streamline your visit, please download, print, and complete pages 1 through 4 of the Medical Examination Report before your appointment. Note: Pages 3 and 4 require you to fill out the top only, name, date of birth and date of exam.

Drug Testing Options
We offer various drug testing services to meet your needs:
Expert DOT Exam Help
Are you ready to schedule your DOT physical exam, or do you have questions about our services? Contact us at DotDoc today for prompt, professional care. We’re here to ensure a smooth and efficient process for all your DOT/CDL medical exam needs.